Happy Holidays!
/I want to wish everyone a happy holiday and hope that the new year brings good tidings to all!
There are a lot of exciting things happening for the studio in the new year:
- Showcasing at the Smithsonian Indie Arcade on January 16th
- Launch of Heroes Guard: The Journal!
- Card design Contest, where the winner will be included in the first content update!
- Kickstarting the Heroes Guard Tabletop Game that was so popular at conventions!
- Preview of a new puzzle game set in the Heroes Guard universe!
Although next year will be incredible exciting, 2015 was pretty unforgettable:
- Took Heroes Guard: The Journal to conventions and had its first beta - and folks loved it!
- Received a few articles, videos and mentions in the media - starting to gain awareness!
- Hosted a 48 game jam where the game made a top 5 list!
- Went from a social reach of 219 to 2,616 - that is nearly a 1,200% increase!
And the most exciting news of all: I became a dad!
Excited to see what the new year brings us all! :)